Posts tagged eclipses
How to Find + Use the Lunar Nodes in Astrology to Make Your Life Right 🐉🌙

OKAY, SO... the astrology of the Lunar Nodes is HYPER-WOO*.

(*First of all… it involves a dragon. 💁🏻‍♀️)

In the natal chart, the Lunar Nodes describe our ultimate purpose project: the South Node reveals conditions of our past-life karma, and the North Node reveals our present-life dharma.

Technically, the Lunar Nodes symbolize where the Moon crosses the path of the Sun on your chart. The zodiac signs they fall across show where eclipses were sparking during your birth year.

AND, if you read my previous post (A User’s Guide to Eclipses, you’re welcome 😌✨), you’re well aware: eclipses can be karmic plot twists in the “meta-narrative.”

When the Lunar Nodes are involved, those plot twists can actually furrow us directly into our the fulfillment of our soul’s most desired destiny. 🤩

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A User's Guide to the 2021 - 2023 Taurus - Scorpio Eclipses 🌻🌙💫

With a set of dates in hand, when you look back on your life, you might notice eclipses that had struck your birth chart coinciding with totally momentous years in your life…

…pivotal years where events, settings, and key players du jour served as catalysts for maj’ life transformations. ✨✨✨

Special eclipse years herald events, settings, and relationships that, even if you don’t know the astrology behind those years, are nevertheless crucial plot points in the story of your life when told in retrospect.

Basically, with astrology, eclipses can help dissolve the sticky bullshit of our lives, and allow us glimpses at the meta narrative happening over and around our ego-drama. 🌕🌑🌀

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