Dreamers, Sirens, & Mystic Lovers: The Pisces New Moon

© Andrey Yakovlev & Lili Aleeva

© Andrey Yakovlev & Lili Aleeva

On February 26th, this Sunday, comes the Pisces new moon. Pisces is the house of spiritual seekers, poetic yogis, & daydreamer babes who fall in love with your soul. 

Ruled by Neptune, the watery planet of sublimation & illusion, Pisces siren-calls us into total romantic surrender to life's sacred mystery. 

In the Tarot, Pisces would be The Empress card, symbolizing abundance, relationships, & soul-growth guided by emotions. This is the card of home-making, sensuousness, love, & creativity. It represents the effluence of the Divine Feminine, & how sweet, bright, & sumptuous our lives can be when sacred femininity flows unbridled.

Allow me to shed a little light on the esoteric themes going on in this house & about the archetypal wife & mystic mother: the Goddess Hera. Then we’ll dig into the exact ways you can channel hella Hera into your magical life this lunar month!


THE GODDESS HERA: Queen Of Love, Luxury, & Holy Creativity

© Andrey Yakovlev & Lili Aleeva

© Andrey Yakovlev & Lili Aleeva

Hera is the babe with the power. Her love soaks you to the bone. She is the dreamer-magic-lover who turns housewife. Her light touch kneads the kinks out of your heart chakra zone, disarming power complexes & opening you up to love, until you are filled beyond capacity. 

Hera symbolizes the epitome of love. She gives herself over to the sacred service to home & family, & shamelessly luxuriates in the dream she has manifested: her healthy, gorgeous children, her powerful mate, a splendorous home filled with treasures, Rice Krispie treats, & a small collection of gossamer-shimmery soft negligees. Her home is decorated like Cape Cod at sunset & has been featured in a lifestyle magazine. Even when Hera is tired, she glows & laughs a hearty, wraps-around-you laugh like sun-warmed lake-water lapping at a dock. 

Life is good.

Hera believes that beauty is the heart of love. When golden-warm Love flows without scrimping or holding back, life unfolds beautifully. Soul is manifest. Children are magnetically drawn to her & she never runs out of questions to ask them. “What do you like? What do you dream about?” She’s flirty. Looks people deeply in their eyes, even from across the room. Winks.

Homemade bread in the morning. Cucumber water. Safety, warmth, passion, & reliability. Every morning, Hera wakes up with an intention: find something new about her man & her babies & her life to fall in love with. Every night before falling asleep, Hera is certain: there’s no way I can feel any wider or deeper! There’s no way I’ll find anything else!

The cup runneth over & over.

Hera’s style is flowy, silky, & sheer, with a splash of iridescence. Fairy glitter sprinkled on her eyelashes. Goddess sandles. She smells like cinnamon, vanilla, & passionflower. Her aura undulates around her like a desert mirage, & almost everyone can feel it: it’s purple ombre fading into gold. It feels like springtime in the mountains.

Hera is NOT the frazzled alpha mom trying to have it all. Her life is her manifestation—not a stressed out scramble to meet other women’s expectations, nor trying to remain loyal to the maiden she once was. (That girl was full of too much longing; she wasn’t yet whole.) 

Hera shows us that real women live from their soul.

Hera doesn’t ask for anything. Hera creates what she needs & makes more than plenty to share. Self-care is her primary commitment—when she feels taxed or stretched too thin, nothing flows. Hera drops in for pedicures, group texts her girl gang for lunch dates, hits yoga every other day. 

In all reality, that’s the key to manifestation: loving yourself deeply & wholly first. 

O but darling, Hera doesn’t spread around all these good vibes for free. Hera performs this sacred service in exchange for monogamy & the good life. Her superpowers depend on the people in her life honoring this emotional contract.

Hera is undone by deceit & denial. When her man is disloyal, she’s blasted out of her rose-tinted center. Tighter budget this year, so no kitchen upgrade? Dissing her original recipe for sweet potato burritos?

When undone, she’ll binge on Netflix, stay in her pajamas all day long, drink rosé & finish off the mini-cupcakes she baked from scratch. (With homespun icing, of course.) Instead of letting the holy creative energy flow, she swallows it up. She’ll stagnate & overindulge. 

She waits for her man to ask, “Is there any dinner?” or “Weren’t there cupcakes?” It’s like popping the pull tab on chaos. Her man will be thrown backwards. She will shred & scatter pieces of the home infused with her love. No matter where they are, her children will spontaneously burst into tears. 

The illusion has flickered. The dream-life has dissolved

This devastation will drive her soul to new depths. She will cry until she feels purified. She will slip out in the middle of the night, drive to the beach & swim in her nightclothes. She’ll call a friend to meet her at the dunes. They’ll talk. The friend will drive her to an all-night diner. They’ll talk more. Hera will drip sea water onto the booth, looking like a broken-hearted mermaid dragged onto land. The diner waitress will sneak glances at her, jealousy slowly disintegrating into sympathy. 

Hera’s friend will drive her back to her car. Hera will return home, resolved. She will smell like salt, a decaying leather booth, & springtime mountain air, & her man will be waiting up for her. He will fumble with apologies & promises, too emotionally stupid to know exactly what to say, but wanting to say everything she wants to hear. He needs her to tell him what he did wrong to ruin his life this way. He needs her to name the exact way he was disloyal to her, because everything he believes & makes in the world extends from what she has made for him

In time, all the charm & bliss of their lives will bubble back up. The Divine Feminine can't be swallowed up for long, it must pour & flow & soak everything. 



© Andrey Yakovlev & Lili Aleeva

© Andrey Yakovlev & Lili Aleeva

As a Patron Goddess, Hera is perfect for cosmic babes who believe creative energy is holy & that sensuousness is the root of spiritual rapture. If you were ever head-over-heels in love & then betrayed, Hera is the Goddess who teaches you to not let it shutter your anahata chakra. Instead, go ahead & admit that the pain is breaking you, so you can breakthrough to a greater & higher love. 

If you can learn to adore even your most exquisitely brutal emotional experiences, then you will have have plenty of love to share. Love is creative energy. 

From Dr. Carmen Boulter’s Angels & Archetypes: An Evolutionary Map of Feminine Consciousness: “Hera subscribes to the motto: As you give to others you are giving to yourself, for there is only one self. Hera is the ultimate container of emotion, the place where one can rest in the perfection of being contained. It is the sacrament of being received that touches the essence of the Spirit Self where the Great Goddess resides. For a man in love, the goddess shining through this woman can indeed be the light of the world.”

Hera is always knee-jerk associated with Zeus—the cheating, power-driven alpha male. But in ancient terms, Hera is the feminine Hero. She instructs Goddess Girls to believe they already have the wisdom to create what they need. She rules through the power of love vs. the love of power. Aligned with the Pisces cycle, she is the dreamer who manifests. She is the mystic who has unlocked the heart of wisdom.


© Andrey Yakovlev & Lili Aleeva

© Andrey Yakovlev & Lili Aleeva

The Pisces new moon is prime time for an emotional breakthrough & creating spiritual peace. Take heart, look people deeply in the eye, & prepare a moon magical experience that harmonizes sensuousness with wonder; love with truth; self with others.

For about a week before your new moon ritual, schedule meditations before bedtime & nix TV or cellphones in the bedroom. Instead, read fiction, Rumi, or chat quietly with your boo until you’re ready to fall asleep. Keep a dream journal on the nightstand & in the morning, jot down symbols, people, or events who showed up in your dreams. (Do it quickly, before they slip away!)

On the day of your ritual, meditate in a magic bath with a few handfuls of pink Himalayan salt, lavender oil, & pink rose petals. (I talk about creating bath magic recipes in this post. Self-love is the theme, but you can totally modify it to your Pisces moon ritual.)

Dress your altar in eagle feathers or decorative chalices. Wear sheer clothes & if you have time, get a pedicure. (Go for purple polish!) Arrange blue, gold, or purple candles on your altar, along with amethyst, rose quartz, or emerald. Write your ritual intention(s) on heart shaped paper. 

Do you know about transforming the heart of suffering? Do Tonglen meditation at your altar: breathe in your suffering, the suffering of someone you know, & the world’s suffering. Breathe out. This is a heart-breaking-&-remaking experience, so I highly recommend it. Learn more about Tonglen meditation from Pema Chodren, Buddhist priestess extraordinaire, over here.

Offer Hera a slice of homemade bread, an original love poem, a glass of raw milk, or a picture of a gorgeous mountain. Invoke her, then petition her to help you realize your ritual intent during this moon cycle. A good intent that would perfectly align with this moon will have to do with love, relationships, or unlocking your deeper wisdom.

All through the Piscean moon cycle, find moments for cathartic self-disclosure. Write down your life story or speak into the Voice Memo app on your smartphone. Watch movies that make you belly laugh or cry until you feel completely renewed. Go out every night to reconnect with classic friends. Wear something frilly, tinted mascara, & hella cute shoes. Look your friends squarely in the face & say, “I love you.” 

Take naps in the middle of the afternoon with amethyst balanced on your forehead. Ditch the drugstore creams & rub jojoba with sage oil into your skin after you shower. Do a Tarot reading as many days in a row as you can. Track your cards alongside entires in your dream journal.

in this cycle, purify your heart & your intentions. Say yes to pain that will unlock your core wisdom & no to pointless, destructive grief. Forgive or self-destruct. Count miracles. Wear your heart on your sleeve & boost your kindness quotient. Donate water to the water charity project. Buy a sandwich for the homeless guy. Bonus points if you ask him about his life. 

The biggest lesson we can learn from Pisces: happiness comes after you surrender control of the illusion. Believe that you can manifest everything you've ever dreamed with just faith & love. 

Trip out. Life is YOUR dream. 

Imagine that. 

Love & magic,

Images © Andrey Yakovlev & Lili Aleeva, The Fantasy Series via Behance